On July 24, 2024, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri temporarily enjoined the 2024 Title IX Regulations, recently issued by the Department of Education under the Biden administration. As we wait for additional clarity from the Court...
Josh Douglass Shares Insights Regarding OCR Opening the OPEN Center in DC
In an interview by Special Ed Connection, Mickes O’Toole attorney, Josh Douglass, shares his insights regarding the OCR opening the Outreach, Prevention, Education and Non-discrimination Center or OPEN Center, in Washington DC. You can read the entire article below:...
Don’t Miss the Opportunity! ED’s CRDC Proposed Changes Open For Comment – By: Josh Douglass
The proposed 2019-20 iteration of the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) is currently available for notice and comment. Among the proposed changes is a new reporting requirement for harassment perceived by K-12 school officials to be based on the harassed student’s...
Josh Douglass Shares Expertise and Insights Regarding OCR and Steps for Schools to Prevent or Resolve Complaints
Mickes O’Toole attorney, Josh Douglass, shares his expertise and insights regarding the OCR and what proactive steps schools can take to prevent or resolve complaints in an interview by Special Ed Connection. You can read the entire article below: [pdf-embedder...