Published by MoASBO, November 2014 The Missouri legislature recently modified the law that governs when firearms may be permitted in schools. As of September, school districts may designate a “School Protection Officer” (SPO) to carry a firearm on school property as...
Unemployment Benefits: Understanding the Process for Protesting a Claim – By: Wendy Kasten
Published by MoASBO, August 2014 As employers, school districts are often the recipients of unemployment benefits claims filed by former employees. This article provides a general overview of the process for protesting a claim and the various levels of rulings and...
And All God’s People Said……Amen? The Supreme Court Weighs In On Prayer At Public Meetings – By: Christi Coleman-Flaherty
Published by MARE, August 2014 As the summer comes to a close, so does one of the most controversial Supreme Court terms in recent history. It is well-known in the legal world that the Justices hear their most controversial cases soon after they open session on the...
Changing Times: Missouri Supreme Court Reinterprets Workers’ Compensation Law – By: Conor Neusel
Published by MoASBO, May 2014 On April 15, 2014, the Missouri Supreme Court issued a ground-breaking decision that made it much easier for employees to establish workers’ compensation retaliation cases against employers. Previously, plaintiffs claiming workers’...
Ask the Attorney: Thomas A. Mickes
Published by MoASBO, May 2014 Q. Our practice has been not to allow students to make up the work for credit while they are on out-of-school suspension. This practice can result in a significant reduction in a student’s grade depending on the length of the suspension....
The Fast Track to Tenure – By: Conor Neusel
Published by MARE, March 2014 According to the Teacher Tenure Act (“Act”), an individual acquires permanent teacher status once he or she is employed in the same school district as a teacher for five successive years and then is rehired by that school district to...
Stepparents: The Right to Access Educational Records under FERPA – By: Betsey A. Helfrich
Published by MARE, November 2013 The right of parents to review their children’s educational records is an important right protected by Missouri and federal law. However, sometimes disputes arise regarding who is considered a “parent” who holds this right. Under the...
Buying the Property Next Door – By: Edward J. Miller, Jr
Published by MoASBO, November 2013 On occasion, a neighbor, an adjoining property owner or a community benefactor will approach a school district with an attractive offer to sell land. The location, price or deal terms may look irresistible, but as with any...
Shaky Ground: Easy Steps to Avoid the Pitfalls Associated with Building Trades Courses – By: Scott Kimble
Published by MoASBO, October 2013 Building trades courses have been around for years. These courses serve a valuable purpose and offer real, on the job training for students who desire to enter the construction profession. Indeed, many school districts across...
Back to School To-Do List: Getting Ready For a Successful School Year – By: Wendy Kasten
Published by MARE, September 2013 As another school year starts, here are a few reminders of things that should be done to help ensure a smooth and successful school year. Review Board Policies and Regulations If your District has a web page, are all of your board...