Published by MARE, March 2016 “Super Tuesday.” To a class of kindergartners, it signifies a day when they are allowed to come to school dressed as their favorite superhero. To eligible voters in Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Illinois and our state, it is the day...
Follow Up: Opinion Regarding DOJ and DOE Dear Colleague Letter On Transgender Students
Following up on my previous communication on this issue, I wanted to let you know that the full U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit decided not to grant a rehearing in the G.G. v. Gloucester Bd of Educ. case. In doing so, the April 19, 2016, decision of the...
Legislating Bullying: A Brave New World – By: Natalie Hoernschemeyer
Published by MARE, June 2016 On June 3, 2016, Governor Nixon signed into law HB 1583. This new law is Missouri Legislature’s sweeping response to combat bullying in local schools. HB 1583 dramatically alters Missouri school districts’ obligations regarding the...
Opinion Regarding DOJ and DOE Dear Colleague Letter On Transgender Students
Opinion Regarding The U.S. Department Of Justice And Department Of Education May 13, 2016 Dear Colleague Letter On Transgender Students Over the past several years the U.S. Departments of Justice and Education (“DOJ/DOE”) have increasingly taken the position that...
Wrestling with Official Immunity: Is a Coach Liable for Injuries to Student Athletes at Practice? – By: Conor Neusel
Published by MARE, November 2015 School district employees that serve as coaches are responsible for supervising their players at practice and ensuring, as much as possible, that those players conduct themselves in a safe and competitive manner. Of course, this is...
How are you Sharing Information with Substitute Staff? Examining the Obligation to Share Key Student Information – By: Betsey Helfrich
Published by MoASBO, November 2015 We are often reminded of the duty to protect confidential student information and are diligent in taking steps to ensure that student data and sensitive information is handled with care. However, there are times when we should and,...
Handling Service Animals In The K Thru 12 Setting – By: Ernest Trakas
Published by MARE, November 2015 Requests to permit access of so called “service animals” in places of public accommodation - restaurants, theaters, sporting events and public schools are on the rise. Places of public accommodation, including schools, are populated by...
Changing Business, Over Time? The Department of Labor Issues Proposed New Regulations for Exemption Status – By: Christi Flaherty
Published by MoASBO, September 2015 One of the most confusing duties of any school business official can be properly classifying employees, and subsequently recording and maintaining all required timekeeping records under federal and state law. The federal Fair Labor...
Pump the Brakes: Contractual Language for Transportation Agreements – By: Scott Kimble
Published by MoASBO, May 2015 Recently, Betsey Helfrich and I had the privilege of presenting at the annual MoASBO Conference in Lake Ozark, Missouri at The Resort at Port Arrowhead regarding issues associated with transportation-related matters. As part of our...
Compliance with Third Degree Assault Reporting Requirements – By: Sarah Schmanke
Published by MARE, April 2015 Under the Safe Schools Act, R.S.Mo. § 167.117, school principals are required to immediately report to local law enforcement and the school district superintendent any conduct which if committed by an adult would constitute possession of...