Published by MOASBO, July/August 2009 Schools are facing situations where anonymous students harass, defame or publicly humiliate educators by using web sites, such as MySpace or Facebook, with increasing frequency. Many of these situations have resulted in legal...
Seclusion and Restraint In Missouri Schools – By: Alefia E. Mithaiwala
Published by MARE, June 2009 “Missouri School Children Placed In Padded Seclusion Rooms” “Parents of Disabled Students Say Metro District is Mistreating Their Kids” These are just two of the many headlines involving the use of seclusion and/or restraint in schools...
Controlling Visitors: How to Maintain Order and Keep Students Safe – By: Betsey A. Helfrich
Published by MARE, March 2009 You have seen it before: a parent is upset at the way their child’s coach is coaching, and they let him know about it. They yell and scream, threaten the coach, disrupt the game, and in your opinion, go too far. This is not the first time...
Pay Discrimination: The Lilly Ledbetter Act – By: Natalie A. Hoernschemeyer
Published by MOASBO, March/April 2009 On January 29, 2009, during his first official week at work, President Obama signed into law the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (“Ledbetter Act”). The Ledbetter Act amends the discrimination laws, including Title VII of the Civil...
New FLMA Regulation: Complying with Additional Requirements – By: Joseph M. Wientge, Jr.
Published by MOASBO, January/February 2009 On November 17, 2008, the U.S. Department of Labor, published a revised set of regulations implementing the Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”). These revisions represent the first significant modifications to the FMLA...